Care Guides

Did you know there are dozens of species and selectively bred varieties of ornamental freshwater shrimp that can be kept in the aquarium? In our shrimp care guides, we describe all the guidelines you need to keep each one. At The Shrimp Farm, we have years of experience keeping and breeding (dwarf) shrimp, and we're excited to share our knowledge with you. Whether you're looking for information on the immensely popular <a href="">cherry shrimp</a> or the obscure <a href="">ninja shrimp</a>, we've got you covered. Oh, and we've also got loads of shrimp tankmate care guides, ranging from <a href="">aquarium snails</a> to <a href="">freshwater crayfish</a>.

  1. Golden bee shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis) | Care & info

    The golden bee shrimp is a bit of a mystery in the shrimp world: no one seems to be sure where it came from or who bred it. Like the much more common crystal red shrimp, it's a selectively bred variety of the bee shrimp. This species isn't the easiest dwarf shrimp to keep and […]
  2. Crystal black shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis) | Care & info

    Most shrimp keepers are familiar with Crystal Red shrimp, but have you also met their less common cousin? The black and white colors on the stunning Crystal Black shrimp are sure to liven up any aquarium. They make a great breeding project that can even yield a little profit! Keep reading for everything you need […]
  3. Orange Sakura shrimp | Neocaridina davidi var. "Orange" care & info

    Looking to add a pop of color to your fish tank without having to dive deep into complicated shrimp care? The orange sakura shrimp might be a good choice. This Neocaridina variety is easy to keep and its bright orange color makes it a real eyecatcher! Keep reading for everything you need to know about […]
  4. Blue velvet shrimp | Neocaridina davidi "Blue Velvet" care & info

    Neocaridina davidi "Blue Velvet", also known as the blue velvet shrimp, is a dwarf shrimp variation appreciated for its bright blue color. It was bred from the same wild shrimp species as the more popular red cherry shrimp and its care requirements are mostly the same. It's easy to keep, easy to breed, fun to […]
  5. Yellow shrimp | Neocaridina davidi var. "Yellow" | Care & info

    Neocaridina davidi var. "Yellow", commonly known as yellow shrimp, is one of the most popular dwarf shrimp varieties in the aquarium hobby. As the name suggests, this shrimp is selectively bred for its super bright, eye-catching yellow color. It is unfussy about water values and breeds easily, which makes it a great option for anyone […]
  6. Dwarf Orange Crayfish | CPO crayfish care & info

    Cambarellus patzcuarensis 'Orange', also known as the dwarf orange crayfish or orange Mexican dwarf crayfish, is a dwarf crayfish species selectively bred for a striking orange color. These small crayfish are appreciated by shrimp keepers for their peaceful nature. They the perfect addition to a shrimp-/invertebrate setup or even a community tank. Keep reading for […]
  7. Ghost shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.) care & info

    Freshwater ghost shrimp from the Palaemonetes genus, also known as glass shrimp, are hardy shrimp often used as feeders due to their low price. However, they're also easy, fun additions to the aquarium and a great choice for anyone looking to gain some experience in shrimp keeping. Keep reading for everything you need to know about […]
  8. Blue tiger shrimp (Caridina mariae 'Blue Tiger')

    Blue tiger shrimp (Caridina mariae 'Blue Tiger') are a stunning selectively bred aquarium shrimp species. Also known as Orange Eyed Blue Tiger shrimp, their name says it all: these shrimp are bright blue with black stripes and striking orange eyes. Their looks alone are probably enough to make anyone want to start a colony! Keep […]
  9. Blue bolt shrimp (Caridina cf cantonensis) care & info

    If you're looking for an unusual dwarf shrimp with stunning colors that's still pretty easy to keep and breed, you're on the right page. Blue bolt shrimp are a type of Taiwan bee with a white and blue body. Their beautiful color and effectiveness as a cleaning crew are sure to make these Caridinas the […]
  10. Snowball shrimp (Neocaridina cf zhangjiajiensis var. White)

    If you like cherry shrimp but want something a little more exciting, snowball shrimp might be for you. Though just as easy to care for as their cherry cousins, they are white instead of red. A great eye catcher in any shrimp tank! Keep reading for everything you need to know about snowball shrimp care […]

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