Tangerine tiger shrimp (Caridina serrata "Tangerine Tiger") | Care & info
Interested in keeping tiger shrimp, but not quite ready for the challenge of red tigers or orange-eyed blue tigers? Tangerine tiger shrimp have all the beautiful color, but lack a lot of their cousins' fussiness. Perfect for anyone looking for an easy breeding project or an extra pop of color in their tank.
Keep reading for everything you need to know about tangerine tiger shrimp care and keeping this bright orange dwarf shrimp in your own aquarium!
Scientific name | Caridina serrata var. "Tangerine Tiger" |
Common name | Tangerine tiger shrimp |
Difficulty level | Easy |
Origin | Hong Kong |

Table of Contents
Setting up a tangerine tiger shrimp aquarium
Because tangerine tiger shrimp are a relatively sturdy variety, you don't need a large aquarium to keep them. Experienced aquarists can go for a tank of at least 5 gallons, while a 10 gallon would be a good option for beginners.
As with all shrimp and fish, the tank should always be fully cycled before you introduce any livestock. You can use a sponge filter or other shrimp-safe filter type: as long as it has an intake guard it should work well. A heater can be used if the room your aquarium is in isn't heated consistently.
Be sure to include plenty of decorations in your setup, as shrimp need hiding places in order to feel safe. They will also gladly use any decorations as foraging grounds.
Water quality
As mentioned in the introduction, tangerine tiger shrimp are not nearly as fussy as some other tiger shrimp types. They can take a wider range of water values and temperatures, which makes them a little more suitable for beginners. That being said, any traces of ammonia or nitrite are still fatal, so keep a close eye on your water values by testing regularly using a liquid test kit.
Regular aquarium maintenance is needed to keep nitrates down. Live plants can help stabilize water values and will be appreciated by your shrimp, so be sure to add a few! Even if you have a black thumb and are worried about keeping plants alive, there are plenty of easy species out there that should work.
pH: 6.5-7.5
Temperature: 65-75 °F
kH: 1-2
gH: 3-6
Total Dissolved Solids: 150-250
Because tangerine tigers breed very quickly, there are some options when it comes to tankmates if you don't mind losing the occasional fry. As long as you stick to peaceful fish that can't fit an adult shrimp into their mouth the colony should multiply quickly enough to compensate for any losses.
Peaceful fish species that can be kept with shrimp include Otocinclus catfish, dwarf Corydoras catfish and very small schooling fish like microrasbora.
If you're serious about breeding your tangerine tiger shrimp, it's a good idea to skip the fish altogether. Even the most peaceful species might eat a few shrimp here and there! Go for harmless invertebrates like snails or any shrimp species that doesn't interbreed with these Caridinas.
Tangerine tiger shrimp diet
Like all shrimp, tangerine tigers naturally feed on biofilm and any other edible things they can find. This means they need a varied diet to thrive. Feed a high quality shrimp food as a staple and supplement with fresh blanched veggies, frozen mosquito larvae and leaf litter. You can even grow some algae in the tank to provide a constant source of snacking! This is ideal when you go away for a few days and won't be able to feed your shrimp.
Some sources report tangerine tigers can be a little more assertive during feeding time than other Caridinas. If you're having issues with your tangerines hogging all the food be sure to break it up into tiny pieces so everyone gets their share.

Breeding tangerine tiger shrimp
Breeding tangerine tigers is a breeze, especially compared to other types of tiger shrimp. Tangerine tigers breed much quicker, which means it's easier to build a large colony. Healthy females will almost constantly be carrying eggs, which produce tiny versions of the adults that don't go through a larval stage. No extra care is needed; the fry can immediately fend for themselves.
If you keep your tangerine tiger shrimp with other dwarf shrimp, keep in mind that they can interbreed with other Caridinas. This means you shouldn't combine them with popular species like Crystal Reds unless you know what you're doing. Interbreeding can result in beautiful colors but might also yield less than perfect results!
If you want to keep your tangerine tiger line pure, don't combine them with other shrimp from the Caridina genus. Neocaridinas like cherry shrimp are a safe option.

Where to buy
Tangerine tiger shrimp are a relatively recent addition to the shrimp hobby, which means they can still be a little hard to find. They can also be on the expensive side, especially if you buy from fish stores that aren't specialized in shrimp.
The Internet is a great place to buy your tangerine tigers (and other shrimp). There are many fellow hobbyists out there who might be able to sell you a few shrimp and you can also buy from established online stores. The Shrimp Farm sells tangerine tiger shrimp and ships them straight to your doorstep with live arrival guarantee! You can buy your tangerine tigers here.
Tip: Love orange shrimp? There's plenty of choice. Have a look at our list of 5 orange aquarium shrimp!
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