Assassin Snails - Aquatic Snails
Tired of trying to get rid of the pest snails, pond snails, trumpet snails, or mystery snails? Look no further than the assassin snail. Assassin snails will eat snails in your aquarium! They prefer eating trumpet snails, but they are not picky!
Your pest snails and pond snail population explosions will get under control by adding only a few of these snails.These freshwater snails quickly rid your tank of other snails, plan to keep only them in a tank and no other snail, even larger snails.
Feeding Assassin Snail
Outside of eating unwanted pest snails, they will feed on algae in small amounts, fish flakes, freshwater clams, blood worms, or other dead organisms. They can also be found eating snail eggs of other freshwater snails. Overall these hungry assassin snail are not picky!
Breeding Assassin Snails
Mature assassin snail will lay a few eggs one at a time. They often lay them close together. Eggs will be yellow or translucent. The eggs turn brown and hatch within about 2 months. Breeding assassin snails together does not require outside help. If water parameters are stable they will breed easily.
Assassin Snail Care
Caring for assassin snails is not difficult. They demand very little outside of stable water parameters. They will feed on most anything and are considered very hardy snails.
Assassin Snail Tank Mates
Common tank mates for include freshwater shrimp. Amano Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp, Blue Dream Shrimp are all great choices. Additionally nano fish like dwarf rasboras, or rainbow fish also make great tank mates.
Pest Snails - Pond Snails - Ramshorn Snails
These snails among others are all hunted by assassin snail. They are often bought specifically for their carnivorous nature to eliminate these snail population explosions. If your goal is to rid your tank of these ramshorn snails, trumpet snails, or other snails population, buying assassin snails is for you!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will assassin snails eat my fish?
Assassin snails are opportunistic feeder animals who will feed on almost everything found in your aquarium. These might be leftovers, dead animals, and some live food like other smaller snails. They will not eat your live fish!
How many snails will an assassin snail eat?
Assassin snails don't feed on fish nor assassin snail, hence they have become amongst the best snail hunters. The assassin snails enjoy eating many types of snails. Each assassin snail can consume between 2 and 4 snails daily in the wild.
Will assassin snails overpopulate a tank?
Assassin snails will not reproduce as quickly as pest snails thus the chance of them overpopulating your tank is very low!