3 Julii Corys (Corydoras Julii)Special Price $21.99 Regular Price $24.99
Freshwater Fish - Aquarium Fish - Nano Fish
For decades tropical fish stores have offered fresh water fish to aquarium hobbyists. Live fish for sale like chili rasbora, freshwater puffer fish, or cory cats are now available to the masses online! The Shrimp Farm is a leader in offering freshwater aquarium fish.
Amazing Fish Shipped Direct To Your Door!
Our tropical fish store online will deliver the best tropical freshwater fish to your aquariums with ease. We have been in business since 2005 and have perfected our shipping methods to delivery wonderful healthy quality tropical fish to your front door.
Rest assured we are in business to ensure you have an excellent experience. If anything isn't up to par our award winning customer service will keep you in good hands. Your aquatic companion is guaranteed safety! Discover it all with The Shrimp Farm's Tropical freshwater fish selection and other aquarium supplies start shopping today!
Freshwater Live Fish For Sale
Our selection of freshwater fish for sale is top notch! Plus we are always adding new fish. Check out some of our favorites below:
- Chili Rasboras - Boraras brigittae
- Dwarf Freshwater Pea Puffers - Pea puffer fish not shrimp safe
- Galaxy Rasboras (Celestial Pearl Danio)
- Panda Cory Catfish - algae eater fish
- Other Nano Fish
If you are looking to add nano aquarium fish to your shrimp tank dwarf rasbora's are good to start with! Many freshwater shrimp for sale online however will eat shrimp. If the fish has a mouth big enough to eat the shrimp it is likely going to try and do that at some point.
With that being stated many shrimp tank keepers house fish with their shrimp. This is fine rasbora fish, small tetra fish like Neon Tetras and others will generally be okay and not become micro predator's. With shrimp being natural prey animals expect them to hide more in the plants when you have fish in the tank.
Freshwater Puffer Fish
Dwarf puffer fish are not ideal for shrimp tanks, so don't plan to mix them together. dwarf Freshwater puffer fish however are amazingly cool fish to watch in your aquarium. They are hardy fish if feed well. They don't require speical water parameters and can live in nano tanks.
Their pitfall is they are sometimes picky eaters! Live food or frozen foods might be the only things they eat at times. Dry foods sometimes seldom work for puffers.
Dwarf Rasbora Fish
The huge selection of rasbora fish on the market makes picking one or a few a hard choice! Harlequin Rasbora, Lambchop Rasbora, Scissortail Rasbora, Chili Rasbora are all types of rasboras to name a few that are on the smaller side. The Shrimp Farm is looking to add new fish to our species selection, if you see one you wish we carried send us a message!
They tend to not be slow moving and are not bottom dwellers, they will hang out in the middle to top of your fish tank. Very fun to watch schooling fish for your fish tank. They make great additions to your community tank.
Chili Rasbora Fish For Sale
Chili Rasbora's are one of the most popular nano fish in the aquarium hobby. their striking coloration and general ease of breeding makes them an excellent choice for fish tanks. They deserve a shoutout because if you haven't seen them before, you certainly need to give them a shot to become apart of your home aquarium.
Nano Tetra Fish
Tetra's come in small and large sizes. The famous Neon Tetra, Caridinal Tetra are some to name a few. These fish can be nippy so it is best to keep on eye on them if keeping shrimp for fish tanks. The shrimp can turn into an expensive snack at times if you pick the wrong variety.
Corydoras Catfish - Cory Catfish
Cory's have long been a favorite of aquarium keepers. The Panda Cory stands out as a very popular cory catfish. They do well with shrimp, and other nano freshwater fish. They are not a demanding fish and can adapt to a wide range of water parameters.
Good Tankmates For Tropical Fish
We offer a large selection of freshwater shrimp, freshwater crayfish, and freshwater snails to go with your Freshwater Aquarium Live Fish. Start shopping our favorites below:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the easiest fish to keep alive in an aquarium?
The easiest live fish to care for include Dwarf Rasboras, neon tetras, betta fish and cory catfish. These are all exceptionally quiet fish which do well when a starting community tanks. Often times hard to find in a local fish store, but easy to find online for sale.
Do Cory Catfish clean the tank?
Corydora catfish otherwise known as Cory's are popular among beginner and expert aquarist alike due to their peaceful and entertaining qualities. These energetic bottom dwellers work wonders at re-eating the leftover food waste on aquarium substrate.
What is the best algae eater fish for aquarium?
What is the best algae eater to eat in an aquarium? Hillstream Loaches. Those fish are extremely good eaters of algae. Cory Catfish also do well at cleaning the aquarium substrate.
Other species like shrimp and snails such as the Amano Shrimp or Mystery snails also do well on their own in being good algae eaters in aquarium tanks
Are freshwater puffer fish easy to take care of?
Although pea puffer fish are sensitive to chemicals in water. They are also very adaptable and present aquarium keepers with few problems. It is true, some species are very easily available and hardy for keeping. The only issue some run into is they can require live or frozen foods, only if they are picky!
What size tank does a freshwater puffer fish need?
Typical freshwater dwarf puffer fish can live in smaller nano aquairums, however it is recommended to be at least 5-10 gallons to aid in more stable water conditions within the tank.