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Neocaridina Shrimp - Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp

Are you looking for Neocaridina Shrimp? At The Shrimp Farm, we have a wide selection of high quality dwarf freshwater shrimp to choose from! They will bring life and vibrancy to your freshwater shrimp tank.

Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp are a type of dwarf aquarium shrimp that can withstand various water conditions. They are prolific algae eaters. This makes them an ideal option for beginner aquarists.

These live shrimp come in a variety of colors and patterns. This makes the species of neocaridina shrimp one of the most popular types of dwarf shrimp animals. Looking to Create the perfect environment for these Neocaridina Shrimp? We suggest adding the following:

Types of Neocaridina Dwarf Freshwater Shrimp

Explore the universe that is colorful dwarf freshwater shrimp! Where these energetic and neon tinted invertebrates bring a touch of magic to your water world. The Shrimp Farm's comprehensive range of top-tier Neocaridina shrimp species accommodates hobbyists and experts alike.

From the alluring red color of red cherry shrimp, to the neon yellow shrimp. Our top selection presents a rainbow of various colors to enhance your aquarium's magnetism. Embark on your shrimp-keeping adventure and uncover the allure of freshwater aquarium shrimp.

These filter feeders are sure to impress you. Snowball shrimp, blue pearl shrimp, or check out other species like Bee shrimp, bamboo shrimp, ghost shrimp, or amano shrimp

If you want to add a Neocaridina Freshwater Shrimp to your shrimp tank look no further. Here are some live shrimp for freshwater tanks we provide include

Neocaridina freshwater Shrimp Water Parameters

Neocaridina Shrimp are a harder water type of freshwater shrimp species. They are the most well adapted to handle the wide range of most tap water in the USA. Learning about water quality for dwarf shrimp is important to ensure the tank setup is ideal for them to thrive.

Cherry shrimp are often the go to starter shrimp. We recommend staying away from higher temperatures of 75 degrees + as it generally leads to more problems. They do not tolerate ammonia or heavy metals like copper well. It is suggested to keep them healthy by doing bi-weekly water changes.

It also aids for troubleshooting if things go wrong. We cover everything you need to know about Neocaridina Shrimp at Shrimp Farm University Blog

Breeding Neocaridina Freshwater Shrimp

Neocaridina freshwater shrimp are one of the easier to breed fresh water shrimp in the dwarf shrimp aquarium hobby. Once the water parameters, tank size, water temperature and tank setup are ideal for them it becomes almost an easy task. Female shrimp carry eggs and hatch many baby shrimp, if given the correct shrimp food and parameters. Often times beginners will start with trying to breed cherry shrimp and then expand into all other the various other types.

We offer a complete knowledge base on caring for neocaridina shrimp like the Red Cherry Shrimp!

A common question asked is can I mix my neocaridina shrimp with all the various types of colors? Yes you can we even offer Skittles packs of Neocaridina Shrimp. Please bare in mind however mixing colors of neocaridina shrimp will often generate brown/grey shrimp after 2-3 generations of breeding. If your goal is to line-breed for offspring baby shrimplets, we recommend keeping on variety only per tank.

Non Neocaridina Shrimp From The Shrimp Farm

The Shrimp Farm offers other livestock of different species of shrimp such as our stock of Ghost Shrimp, Bee Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Snowball Shrimp, Bamboo shrimp (note bamboo shrimp are seasonal). Many of these species of shrimp stock do not breed/thrive well in tap water in most cases. Caridina Shrimp From The Shrimp Farm.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do Neocaridina Shrimp Eat?

Neocaridina shrimp should be provided good food source. In Dwarf freshwater shrimp aquariums the coloration and level of species breeding will directly relate to the diet you are feeding.

Most shrimp species tend to do best in aquariums that have natural algae. Aquariums that provide good filtration will also aid your dwarf freshwater shrimp. Tiny organisms will grow in areas of good filtration which the shrimp thrive on.

Many aquarists provide live plants in their aquarium. This promotes most species of shrimp in your aquarium to naturally feed on algae that grows on these live plants. The shrimp will naturally clean the algae off of the plants and glass for you!

Snails also provide the shrimp a slime trail to eat which is highly beneficial. Keeping snails with neocaridina shrimp is recommend as they both also eat the same supplemental type of foods. They might be great algae eaters but a supplemental feeding of high quality shrimp specific foods never hurts! We love our house brand Shrimp Farm Food.

Are Neocaridina Shrimp hard to take care of?

The most widely used shrimp of aquarium is the Cherry Shrimp. They are known to be some of the hardiest shrimps in existence. They are the best choice for newbies who have never tried shrimp keeping before.

Neocaridina shrimp once understood, for their required water parameters are easy to care for rewarding aquarium creatures. They do not tolerate copper or other heavy metals.

What size tank does a Neocaridina need?

Dwarf freshwater shrimp in general are ideal for nano tanks of small size. It is recommended to keep a 10 gallon tank at minimum. This is to help keep parameters more stable. Smaller Nano aquariums can fluctuate more easily.

How long do freshwater shrimp live?

Neocaridina shrimps can have surprisingly long lives. Dwarf shrimp typically last about two years. They have a high level of breeding in most cases. This means in a short amount of time you could easily have doubled the amount of shrimp you started with.

How many Neocaridina shrimp per gallon?

In your freshwater shrimp tank when adding neocaridina shrimp there isn't really a limit. shrimp produce very little bioload and a shrimp colony will balance itself out over time. If you are looking for a number we suggest no more than a large group of 100-150 neocaridina shrimp per 10-15 gallons.

Are neocaridina shrimp good for fish tanks?

They are good in a sense that they help clean the tank of algae and eat leftover foods. Fish in general may try to make a quick snack of the neocaridina shrimp. We only recommend keeping neocaridina shrimp with nano fish.

The general rule is if the fishes mouth is big enough to eat a neocaridina shrimp, then it will likely try to do so. Shrimp are vulnerable to predation from fish. They will hide in covered plant areas or rocks to keep away from fish. Nano fish seem to tolerate shrimp well, but shrimp are an easy quick snack.

Do freshwater neocaridina shrimp get big?

Neocaridina Shrimp are dwarf shrimp. As you might guess from the name they do not get large. Neocaridina shrimp can reach about 1-2" in length. The neocaridina shrimp sold at the shrimp farm range from .5"-1.25".

What is the best shrimp to add in an aquarium?

Dwarf shrimp like Red Cherry shrimp are the go to starter shrimps for aquarists. Their ease of breeding makes then an easy genus of shrimp to keep. Interested in buying some? Check out TheShrimpFarm.com

How long do aquarium shrimp last?

Shrimps can have surprisingly long lives. They can live on average up to 2+ years and will often reproduce far many offspring before they die. 

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