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Caridina Shrimp - Freshwater Aquarium Shrimp

Add a pop of color to your aquarium with Caridina Shrimp. At The Shrimp Farm we offer a huge selection of Caridina Shrimp for sale. These Freshwater Shrimp will become the center of attention in your aquarium.

Freshwater Dwarf Aquarium Shrimp like the Caridina Shrimp are a more demanding shrimp in terms of water parameters. They are amazing algae eaters. Shrimp like the Amano Shrimp are nicknamed algae eating shrimp.

Amano shrimp were made poplar by famous aquascaper takashi amano. The amano shrimp sometimes go by the name Yamato shrimp as well.

This makes them ideal for live plants in your aquarium. They will naturally eat the algae out of your tank. The amano shrimp caridina multidentata are world class aquarium algae eaters.

Live shrimp like these come in vibrant patterns and a rainbow of colors. Making Caridina Freshwater Shrimp popular choices for your shrimp tank. Looking to create the ideal environment for these dwarf freshwater aquarium shrimp? We suggest adding the following:

Types of Caridina Freshwater Shrimp

The colorful universe that is caridina shrimp is full with neon tinted invertebrates. They come in all kinds of special patterns. Adding these vibrate shrimp to your water world is a rewarding experience. The Shrimp Farm offers a range of top-selected shrimp species to accommodate hobbyist and experts all around.

You can start with the beauty of red bee shrimp/crystal red shrimp. To benefiting from the skilled algae eating amano shrimp you will be stuck trying to choose which shrimp you enjoy best. The rainbow of options and selection of patterns will elevate your aquarium's beauty.

Add these remarkable high grade Freshwater shrimp to your aquascape. Here are several of our live shrimp for your freshwater aquariums:

Caridina Freshwater Shrimp Water Parameters

Caring for caridina shrimp can be more challenging. These fresh water shrimp are slightly more demanding in their water conditions. They require PH below 7. They also require GH of 2-5.Yet need only simple filtration using sponge filters.

Planted tanks provide vital shrimp food naturally and cover for baby shrimp to hide. Aquascaping and keeping shrimp often go hand in hand.

This parameter range requires special substrate and use of reverse osmosis water. Learning about water parameters for these dwarf shrimp is important for them to truly thrive. Keeping Crystal Red Shrimp or Amano Shrimp tend to be the starting point for most beginners. After this some advance onto breeding tiger shrimp.

You can learn more about Freshwater Shrimp at our Shrimp Farm University Blog. We offer articles on crystal red shrimp care and amano shrimp care among others.

Breeding Caridina Freshwater Shrimp

Once you understand requirements for Caridina shrimp, breeding becomes an easy task. Crystal Red Shrimp are easy to breed, almost as easy as cherry shrimp. They are a good shrimp to start line-breeding with.

Shrimp keepers often try to selectively breed higher grade shrimp by culling less desirable shrimp. Spotting female shrimp with fertilized eggs is easy as they hold them under their abdomens. A good minimum tank size to start breeding with is 10 gallons.

Some shrimp like the Amano Shrimp require brackish water which presents challenges for breeding. Check out this article on How to breed Amano Shrimp.

We offer a complete care guide on caring for and breeding Caridina shrimp at our Shrimp Farm University Knowledge Base Blog

A common question asked is can I mix my Caridina shrimp with all the various types of colors? Yes you can we even offer Skittles packs of Caridina Shrimp. They look amazing with all the various colors together! If your goal is to line-breed for offspring baby shrimplets, we recommend keeping on variety only per tank.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do Caridina Shrimp Eat?

Caridina shrimp are not demanding eaters. They enjoy a well balanced diet of blanched vegetables of various kinds. They also love to feed on pellet/stick foods such as Quatro 2 Ebita Breed. It is recommended to feed 70% vegetable based foods and 30% protein based foods for help them thrive.

Additional foods like Algae wafers make great choices. Algae wafers are high quality foods that algae eating shrimp like amanos thrive on.

How Large Do Caridina Shrimp Get?

You have to remember you are talking about a type of dwarf shrimp! Caridina shrimp will get to be about .5-1.5 inches in length at best depending on the variety. While they may be small in statue they are prolific breeders. Bee shrimp/crystal shrimp are simply nano type creatures! 

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