Nerite Snails - Algae Eating Snails
Freshwater snails like the Nerite snail have long been considered great algae eating snails. In the freshwater aquarium hobby Nerite snails like the Red Racer snail, horned nerite snails, or zebra nerite snail have long been kept for their amazing algae eating abilities.
The best algae for nerite snails is any soft algae form. They are non-demanding snails who like most invertebrates are extremely easy to keep with tank mates like amano shrimp, tetras, betta fish or other Nano fish. Their striking patterns and colors will add a pop of color to your aquarium.
Horned Nerite Snail - Zebra Nerite Snail Care
Nerite snails in general are low demanding in the freshwater aquarium. Nerites like the horned nerite snail, zebra nerite snail, or red racer snail will only breed in brackish water as their larvae need it to grow. This makes them a sought after snail as they will not reproduce in your planted tank aquarium. They produce little waste and overall are completely peaceful.
Nerite Snail Diet
When keeping nerite snails it is important to ensure your aquarium has enough algae for them to feed on. They will quickly clean algae out of your aquarium and keep your substrate clean. Supplemental feeding of crushed coral, algae wafers, or blanched veggies are all ideal to ensure these herbivores thrive in your aquarium.
Nerite Snail Breeding
Nerite snails larvae need brackish water to grow into adults at one stage. Male and female snails need freshwater tanks to start the breeding process, but will not finish unless you can transfer the larvae to brackish water. These goes for all Nerite snails like horned nerite snails, zebra nerite and more. If you are able to provide brackish water, they are easy to breed.
Nerite Snail Tank Mates
Keeping your nerite snails in a tank size that works for other fish like bettas, nano tetras, rasboras or other smaller fish is common. The most ideal aquairums have live plants like java moss and tropical water temperature. Always include a small group of nerite snails rather than a lonely single one.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to feed my Nerite snail?
I see algae! They does not require additional food. The tank can be clean but feeding your snails every day is advisable. They are used to eating all day so supplemental feedings are recommended.
How many Nerite snails should I keep?
A small group of 2-4 snails is always recommended rather than keeping one lonely snail by itself.
Are Nerite snails good for your tank?
Nerite Snails clean tanks of algae. Nerites are bought for freshwater aquariums. Nerite Snail are recognized as an excellent tank cleaning agent and are considered one of the best algae eaters around.
Do Nerite snails lay a lot of eggs?
Nerite snail larvae need brackish water to survive, so no need to worry about any nerite snail having reproduce in your aquarium.