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Ramshorn Snails - Freshwater Snails

The beautify that is ramshorn snails. Ram's horn snails are perfect for a shrimp tank or non aggressive fish in your community tank. They feed on aquarium algae in freshwater aquariums. In the aquarium trade they are considered pest snails sometimes as the snail population can grow rapidly with newborn snails appearing almost overnight.

Ramshorn Snail Care

The common red Ramshorn snails and blue ramshorn snails and most ramshorn snails in general are a low demanding creature to keep. Providing ramshorn snails with tanks of 5 gallons are large are ideal. Keeping them in room temperature of 65-75 degrees is recommended, but for increased breeding consider adding a heater and raising water temperature to 76-78 degrees. It is important to note the correct tank mates for Ramshorn snails which we highlight below. Additionally Ramshorn snail diet and breeding practices are noted below as well.

Tank Mates - Ramshorn Snails

Do not keep ramshorn snails with assassin snail. Assassin snails will eat ramshorn snails. Ramshorn snails can be kept with freshwater shrimp like amano shrimp or cherry shrimp. Additionally they can be kept in a peaceful community tank with nano fish. Ramshorn snails are smaller snails compared to some other snails. This is why keeping them with only nano fish is recommended, as larger aggressive fish may try to eat them.

Ramshorn Snail Diet

Ramshorn snails eat algae wafers, algae on your aquarium glass, or leftover food in the substrate. They are not picky eaters and do not demand very much from aquarium keepers. They have been known to eat dead fish, uneaten fish food, decaying plant matter. They are opportunistic feeders and outside of giving them calcium supplements if needed they are not picky!

Breeding Ramshorn Snail

Ramshorn snail among other snail species can quickly overpopulate your tank if fed well. They are considered a pest snail by some. Getting them to breed prolifically is not hard. Provide stable water parameters and a good food source of algae and they will breed easily. Your aquarium will have baby Ramshorn snails before you know it! If you desire is to breed them consider heating the water to be 75-78 degrees as this will increase Ramshorn snails production. Since they breed so quickly in most cases, we recommend keeping Ramshorn snails in tanks of at least 5 gallons or larger. Ideally the larger the tank size the more stable the water parameters will be. Many aquarists keep them in 10 gallon tanks or larger to help with this. Ramshorn snails are susceptible to ammonia spikes, and poor water parameters will contribute to Ramshorn snails death if not kept up with.

Red Ramshorn snails - Blue Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn snails come in various colors. The Red Ramshorn snails also sometimes look like pink Ramshorn snails. Blue Ramshorn snails are also another common color for sale online. These two colors tend to be the standard colors of Ramshorn snails offered in most stores and online

The overall care for both red and blue Ramshorn snails is the same. They are simply different color morphs of ramshorn snails, but otherwise the same snail. We off both of these ramshorn snails for sale on our website on this webpage. We sell red Ramshorn snails in 3 packs, 5 packs, and 10 packs.

If you are looking for a easy to care for fast breeding snail, look no further than Ramshorn snail!

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get rid of ramshorn snails?

If you dislike the thought of ramshorn snails breeding in your aquarium you may want to try and get rid of them. Many aquarists manually remove them by hand or purchase assassin snails to eat them.

Do ramshorn snails breed easily?

They breed very easily and require almost no help to do so. They can quickly overpopulate your tank.

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