Blue Ramshorn Snails

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3 Blue Ramshorn Snails

Blue Ramshorn Snails are a great addition to any aquarium. Not only can they display some stunning shell and body colors, but Ramshorn snails also serve many useful purposes for your aquarium. A major benefit of snails is that they clean your aquarium glass and other contents of algae.  

In addition, Blue Ramshorn Snails can reproduce quickly, and if you have baby ramshorn snails, they can be a great live food source for our newest fish, the Dwarf Pea Puffer

Main Benefits:

  • Snails help keep a shrimp tank from re-cycling by providing an adequate bio-load and eating algae 
  • Snails eat leftover food to prevent ammonia spikes
  • Hardy so they can adjust to most water parameters 
  • Great live food source for pea puffers and other fish

When Receiving Snails: 

  1. Place the snails in a specific corner of the tank and make a note of where you placed them
  2. Watch the snails over a 1 week period, if they do not move remove them from the aquarium
  3. Give the snails a smell - if they stink, they are dead
  4. If they do not smell, add them back to the aquarium and give it another 3 days
  5. It is super common for snails to burrow into the substrate and disappear from sight (especially Assassin Snails)
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Blue Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn snails are perfect for a shrimp tank or non-aggressive fish in your community tank. They feed on aquarium algae in freshwater aquariums. In the aquarium trade they are considered pest snails sometimes as the snail population can grow rapidly with newborn snails appearing almost overnight.

Blue Ramshorn Snail Behavior

Blue Ramshorn snails are popular for the extra color they provide to a tank.  They will be found peacefully eating algae and leftover shrimp or fish food.  They can safely be kept with other snails, shrimp, and nano fish. 

Blue Ramshorn Snail Care

Your ramshorn snail aquarium should be filtered, and fully cycled. The snails don't have any specific demands when it comes to décor. They appear to naturally inhabit waters with a sandy substrate where they can hide and wait for food or algae, but aquarists have found they do just fine on gravel as well. Find out more about ramshorn snails in The Shrimp Farm Academy.

Buying Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn snails come in various colors. The Red ramshorn snails also sometimes look like pink ramshorn snails. Blue ramshorn snails are the most popular. Hobbyists enjoy having these ramshorn snails in their tanks for the benefits they provide.  They will clean the tank from algae and then will help keep the tank water parameters adequate by providing a healthy bioload.  

Scientific Name: Planorbis planorbis

Common Name: Blue Ramshorn Snail

Temperament: Peaceful

Breeding: Incredibly Easy

Care Level: Easy

Life Span: 1 Year

Full Grown Size:  1/4" to 1"


General Water Parameters:

pH Range: 6.2 – 8.0, (lifespan longer in alkaline pH.)

Temperature Range: 71.6° - 87.8° F (22° - 28° C)

GH Range: 8-12 GH

KH Range: 4-6 KH2 - 12

TDS Range: 175-250

Minimum Tank Size: Nano tanks

How big do Blue Ramshorn snails get?

Up to 1"

How many Blue Ramshorn snails can I keep per gallon?

A reasonable load would be 5 snails per gallon. If they are kept well-fed, there should be no issue in keeping them. Doing normal water changes is recommended.  However, please note, Red Ramshorn Snails can reproduce quickly. 

How long does a Blue Ramshorn snail live?

~ 1 year 

Are Blue Ramshorn Snails easy to Breed?

Yes, incredibly easy and they may reproduce faster than you would like.  Blue Ramshorn Snails will mate without help or any altered tank conditions.  If your snails start reproducing too quickly, you can manually pull them out or introduce a couple Assassin Snails to remove them from the tank. 

What is the diet of the Blue Ramshorn snail?

Ramshorn snails eat algae wafers, algae on your aquarium glass, or leftover food in the substrate. They are not picky eaters and do not demand very much from aquarium keepers.

What are the best tankmates for Blue Ramshorn snails?

If you're here at The Shrimp Farm reading this snail care guide, you're probably interested in both shrimp and snails. You're in luck - they are the perfect combo! Both mystery snails (and other snails EXCEPT assassin snails) and (dwarf) shrimp are very peaceful. Shrimp especially won't do well with larger and more aggressive tankmates, so these harmless snails are a great choice if you want to add some extra life to your shrimp tank. You can also keep them with one or more of the various other fascinating snail species the aquarium hobby has to offer.

You can keep them with most nano fish as well.

Please note, do NOT keep with assassin snails because they will get eaten. 

What is the best way to Acclimate my new Blue Ramshorn snail?

When adding new tankmates to your already existing tank, it is important to take the proper steps in introducing and acclimating them into their new home. The whole process is extremely stressful for the snail. Acclimation is important for snails as it allows them time to adjust to the temperature and parameters of their new environment. By doing this correctly, you will reduce the chances of shock or death of your new snails. 

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