3 Panda Corys (Corydoras Panda)

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3 Panda Corys

Panda Corys are a super popular freshwater fish. The scientific name for the Panda Cory is Corydoras PandaPanda Corys actually don't display aggression at all when kept in numbers of 3+. They can even be kept with shrimp due to their peaceful temperament (however, they will sometimes eat smaller shrimp if they are underfed!) They live 4-8 years and their unique pattern adds color and activity to the tank.  


Please note: Fish must be shipped via Express Shipping ONLY due to the safety of the fish. 

Scientific Name: Cambarellus patzcuarensisOther Scientific Names: Cambarellus patzcuarensis sp. OrangeCommon Name: Dwarf Orange CrayfishOther Common Names: Dwarf Mexican Crayfish, CPO, Mexican dwarf crayfishOrigin: MexicoFound in the wild: Yes   PH Range: 6.2 - 8.0Temperature Range: 65 - 80Hardness Range:3 - 15 dkhLife Span: 1 - 4 yearsGestation Period: N/A Ideal pH: 7.2Ideal Temperature: 73Ideal Hardness: 8 dkhSize: Approx. 1 1/2" - 2"Diet: Omnivore  CPOs are an excellent addition to any planted tank since they do not eat live plants or disturb your substrate.

Panda Cory

Corydoras Panda, also known as the Panda Cory, is an animated, uniquely marked schooling fish that is perfect for the community and planted aquarium due to their peaceful behavior.  These fish are appreciated by shrimp keepers because they tend to get along with shrimp as long as they are well fed.  They are sold at a size of 1.5-2 inches and will grow to around 2 - 2.5 inches in most cases. 

Panda Cory Behavior

Panda Corys are typically very peaceful - we recommend keeping them in a school of 6 or more in order to thrive. 

Panda Cory Care

A varied diet is the key to healthy Panda Corys. A high-quality flake, pellet and wafer foods as well as frozen foods such as bloodworms are ideal.  Find out more about the Panda Cory in The Shrimp Farm University.

Panda Corys Tankmates 

Panda Corys are an excellent addition to any planted tank as well as tanks with other nano fish or adult shrimp since they do not eat live plants and are typically safe to keep with other fish/shrimp.

Scientific Name: Corydoras Panda 

Common Name:  Panda Cory

Temperament: Peaceful 

Diet:  Large variety - Northfin pellets, Northfin flakes, frozen foods

Breeding: Intermediate 

Care Level: Easy

Origin: South and Central America 

Found in Wild: Yes

Life Span: 5-8 years

Full Grown Size: Approx. 2-3 inches (5- 7.5cm)

Approximate Purchase Size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)

How big do Panda Corys get?

They will grow to between 2-3 inches typically. 

How many Panda Corys can I keep per gallon?

We recommend no less than 2 fish per gallon (mininum of 5 gallon tank).  They thrive in numbers of 6 or more.  They become more peaceful and colorful in larger numbers. 

How long do Panda Corys live?

5-8 years is the average lifespan of a Panda Cory. 

Are Panda Corys easy to Breed?

Breeding Panda Corys is relatively easy with the right water parameters

What is the diet of Panda Corys?

Panda Corys will thrive and remain very colorful on a varied diet of mostly carnivorous foods. High-quality flake, pellet and wafer foods as well as frozen foods such as bloodworms.

What are the best tankmates for Panda Corys?

Panda Corys, in general, are incredibly peaceful fish and get along with other fish AND adult shrimp.  We recommend keeping Panda Corys in numbers of 6 or more because they are known to thrive when schooling together.

Feel free to add shrimp, Dwarf Orange Crayfish, snails, and other peaceful fish to your tank with them.  They also LOVE planted tanks due to extra nutrients and hiding places.

What is the best way to Acclimate my new Panda Corys?

When adding new tankmates to your already existing tank, it is important to take the proper steps in introducing and acclimating them into their new home. The whole process is extremely stressful for the fish. Acclimation is important for fish as it allows them time to adjust to the temperature and parameters of their new environment. By doing this correctly, you will reduce the chances of shock or death of your new crayfish. We recommend drip acclimation for fish as it is generally the best option to adjust them slowly to your tank.  You can find our Premium Drip Acclimation Kit here. 

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