Corkscrew Vallisneria | Vallisneria asiatica care & growing
If you're looking to get into planted aquariums, one of the first plants you usually come across is Vallisneria. This sea grass-like plant is great for beginners and looks very decorative but the most popular Vals come with a bit of a challenge: they grow pretty massive. Luckily, there are also smaller varieties, and the curly-leaved corkscrew Val (Vallisneria asiatica) is one of them. The perfect size for a shrimp tank but still just as easy to grow!
Keep reading for everything you need to know about corkscrew Vallisneria and growing it in your own aquarium.
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Corkscrew Vallisneria requirements
Corkscrew Vallisneria is quite easy to grow and relatively undemanding. No added Co2 or complicated nutrient dosing schedule needed, which makes it a great option for beginners. The only important factor to keep in might is lighting: this Val does need quite a bit of light. When provided with this it will grow very quickly, constantly sending out runners. You can leave these baby plants to grow or disconnect them from the main plant if you'd like to replant, remove or sell them.
For a healthy corkscrew Vallisneria, plant it directly into the substrate, making sure not to bury the leaf base (crown). In small setups like shrimp tanks, this plant works best in the background or at the sides of the tank. Some root tabs will be appreciated, as they provide extra nutrients and help encourage faster growth.
Give the plant some time to establish and you should see new growth and even runners in no time! Be sure to do regular maintenance by removing any dead bits and pruning the leaves with sharp scissors if they're getting too long.
Difficulty level | Easy |
Lighting | High |
Placement | Mid-/background |
Temperature | 68-82.5 °F |
pH | 5-8 |
Corkscrew Vallisneria uses
In herbivore tanks
Vallisneria is appreciated by aquarists who keep herbivorous fish and fish that like to dig around the substrate. It grows very quickly, which means it should be able to withstand the occasional nibble. It also forms rather extensive roots systems quite quickly, which means it's not easily uprooted.
Hiding place
Many fish species (and shrimp too!) appreciate having plenty of places to hide. Its tall, sea grass-like leaves and bushy growth pattern make Vallisneria the perfect plant to offer some extra cover.
Foraging grounds
All plants are appreciated by shrimp because their leaves contain a layer of biofilm and, in some cases, algae. Vallisneria has long leaves with a large surface area, so all the more room for that yummy shrimp food to grow.
Coldwater aquariums
As discussed earlier Vals like Vallisneria asiatica can handle a wide range of temperatures. This makes it a great choice for shrimp keepers who like to keep their tanks at room temperature. We've listed 68 °F as the minimum for this plant here but it can likely easily take even lower temperatures.
Nitrate buster
Fast-growing plants need more nutrients than slow-growing ones do. These nutrients include nitrate, which is the natural end product of the nitrogen cycle but can be harmful to fish and especially shrimp in large concentrations.
So, although all plants help keep your tank stable by reducing nitrates, Vals are especially effective due to their quick growth. That doesn't mean water changes are out of the question, though - you still have to do those regularly.
Vallisneria asiatica vs Vallisneria tortifolia
When buying Vallisneria asiatica, keep in mind that not all plants are correctly labeled. There is another Val that goes by the common name "corkscrew Vallisneria": Vallisneria tortifolia.
Luckily, both are easy to grow, which means it's not too much of a problem if you end up with the wrong variety.
Frequently asked questions
Yes, it can, although fine gravel may work better than coarse gravel just because it offers a bit more support for the plant's roots.
Although Vals may benefit from added Co2, the plant doesn't need it in most cases.
Due to its quick growth, this species will appreciate some extra nutrients in the form of root tabs. This being said, it should usually be fine without them as well.
Buying Vallisneria asiatica
There are many different Vallisneria varieties out there and Vallisneria asiatica is only one of them. Unfortunately, this is one of the less common Vals and it might be a little difficult to find in your local aquarium store.
Luckily, you can also easily buy it online. The Shrimp Farm sells corkscrew Vallisneria and ships it right to your front door. You can find and order it here.