1 Golden Rabbit Snail - Tylomelania gemmifera

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2 Golden Rabbit Snails (Tylomelania gemmifera)

The Golden Rabbit Snail is a great snail for many reasons.   Also known as the elephant snails, rabbit snails are very peaceful in nature. They have a great temperament and enjoy exploring the aquarium. They are never aggressive to other inhabitants. Rabbit snails tend to be active throughout the day and night. They do not favor one time or the other to be active.

When Receiving Snails: 

  1. Place the snails in a specific corner of the tank and make a note of where you placed them
  2. Watch the snails over a 1 week period, if they do not move remove them from the aquarium
  3. Give the snails a smell - if they stink, they are dead
  4. If they do not smell, add them back to the aquarium and give it another 3 days
  5. It is super common for snails to burrow into the substrate and disappear from sight (especially Assassin Snails)

Golden Rabbit Snails

Introducing the beautiful and fascinating Golden Rabbit Snails, also known as Tylomelania sp. These snails are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to their unique appearance and interesting behavior.

Golden Rabbit Snails Behavior

Golden Rabbit Snails are named for their golden-yellow coloration and rabbit-like face. They have a peaceful and quiet personality, often seen crawling along the bottom of the tank or on aquarium decor. They are a hardy species, making them an excellent choice for beginner aquarists.

Golden Rabbit Snails Care

When it comes to care, Golden Rabbit Snails require a tank with plenty of hiding spots, a sandy substrate, and good water quality. They can be kept in a tank as small as 10 gallons, but larger tanks are recommended for multiple snails or other tankmates. These snails prefer slightly alkaline water with a pH range of 7.5-8.0 and a temperature range of 78-82°F.

Buying Golden Rabbit Snails

The Shrimp Farm offers healthy and vibrant Golden Rabbit Snails for sale. Our snails are carefully bred and raised in clean and healthy conditions, ensuring you get the best quality snails for your aquarium.

Scientific Name: Tylomelania gemmifera

How big do Golden Rabbit Snails get?

Golden Rabbit Snails can grow up to 3 inches in length.

How many Golden Rabbit Snails can I keep per gallon?

As a general rule of thumb, you can keep one snail per 5 gallons of water. Golden Rabbit Snails are relatively large snails, so adjust your stocking levels accordingly.

How long do Golden Rabbit Snails live?

With proper care, Golden Rabbit Snails can live up to 3-5 years.


Is Golden Rabbit Snails easy to Breed?

Golden Rabbit Snails are relatively easy to breed in captivity. They are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs, so two snails are not necessary to reproduce. They lay their eggs above the waterline, so providing a space for them to lay their eggs is important. The eggs will hatch in 2-4 weeks, and the baby snails will need to be fed crushed algae wafers or other small foods.


What is the diet of Golden Rabbit Snails?

Golden Rabbit Snails are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods, including algae, vegetables, and sinking pellets. They are best fed small amounts multiple times a day.

What are the best tankmates for Golden Rabbit Snails?

Golden Rabbit Snails are peaceful and do well with other peaceful tankmates such as other snails, shrimp, and small fish. Avoid keeping them with larger or aggressive fish that may attack or harm them.

What is the best way to Acclimate my new Golden Rabbit Snails?

It's important to acclimate your new Golden Rabbit Snails slowly to avoid shock or stress. Float the bag containing the snail in your aquarium for 15-20 minutes to allow the temperature to adjust. Then, slowly add small amounts of water from your aquarium into the bag every 5-10 minutes until the bag is full. Carefully remove the snail from the bag and place it into your aquarium.

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