Cardinal Tetra Fish

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Commonly mistaken for the neon tetra, the cardinal tetra is a beautiful fish that will add color to any tank.
Highly recommended to be kept in schools of 5 or more. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon axelrodi Common Name: Cardinal Tetra ,Red Neon Tetra Origin: South America Found in the wild: Yes PH Range: 5.0 - 7.3 Temperature Range: 70 - 78 Hardness Range: 4 - 8 dkh Ideal pH: 7.0 Ideal Temperature: 73 Ideal Hardness: 6 dkh Adult Size: Approx. 2" Unlike the Neon tetra, the Cardinal tetra is considered hard to breed in aquariums and this is one of the reasons behind its relative scarcity in the aquarium trade. A majority of the Cardinal tetras offered in fish stores have been wild caught. Wild Cardinal tetra is found in the upper Orinoco and Negro rivers on the South American continent. The Cardinal tetra is not considered an endangered species and it is very prolific in the wild. Its natural life span is no longer than a year, and it will therefore reproduce within a year after being hatched. It is however possible for a Cardinal tetra to survive for many years in an aquarium without any predators.
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