Sweet Gum Pods

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Sweet Gum Pods

Sweet gum pods can be a beneficial addition to your aquarium, especially when housing shrimp. These pods, sourced from the sweet gum tree, offer several advantages for aquatic environments. Firstly, they release tannins into the water, which can help to lower pH levels and create a more natural environment for shrimp, mimicking their natural habitat. Additionally, sweet gum pods provide hiding spots for shrimp, allowing them to feel secure and reduce stress levels. As they break down over time, they also serve as a food source for beneficial microorganisms, promoting a healthy ecosystem within the aquarium. Overall, incorporating sweet gum pods into your aquarium can contribute to the well-being and thriving of shrimp species. However, it's essential to ensure that the pods are thoroughly cleaned and properly prepared before introducing them to the tank to avoid any adverse effects on water quality. 

*We recommend boiling these sweet gum pods for 15-30 seconds before adding them to your tank.*

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