1 Bamboo Shrimp

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Scientific Name:
Atyopsis moluccensis

Other Scientific Names:

Common Name:
Bamboo Shrimp

Other Common Names:
Wood Shrimp, Asian Filter Feeding Shrimp

South East Asia

Found in the wild: Yes

PH Range: 6.5 - 7.8
Temperature Range: 70 - 78 F
Hardness Range: 3 - 10 dkh
Life Span: 1 - 2 years
Gestation Period: 30 days
Ideal pH: 7.2
Ideal Temperature: 75 F
Ideal Hardness: 7 dkh
Size: 2" - 3"
Diet: Filter Feeder


Bamboo Shrimp History

The Bamboo Shrimp is native to Southern Asia where it is valued as a food source. From southern Asia it has found its way into the American aquarium hobby. When first introduced it was difficult to obtain, but not many local fish stores and big box aquarium retailers carry this shrimp.

Bamboo Shrimp Care

Bamboo Shrimp are fairly unique in the home aquarium. They are filter feeders and because of this they require a steady current in their aquarium. Bamboo Shrimp are undemanding and fairly adaptable to most home aquarium water parameters, but prefer water that is on the more neutral to slightly basic (a higher ph).

Bamboo Shrimp Diet

Bamboo Shrimp are filter feeders and because of this they require a specialized food source. A small number of Bamboo Shrimp can be maintained in a very well established aquarium of 55 gallons or more with no extra supplemental feedings. If you need to supplement the foods for Bamboo Shrimp powdered algae and foods intended for filter feeding invertebrates are suggested.

Bamboo Shrimp Breeding

Bamboo Shrimp have rarely been successfully bred in captivity. They are low order shrimp (they hatch as larva and not miniature versions of the adults), and require salt water for the larva to grow. There is very little information about breeding this shrimp and very few people have had success.

Bamboo Shrimp Behavior

A happy and healthy Bamboo Shrimp will be found in a high flow area of the aquarium filtering food out of the water. They will stay in the same position for hours. If the Bamboo Shrimp feels threatened or has just molted it will find a suitable hiding space. If a Bamboo Shrimp is observed picking at the substrate this is a sign that the shrimp is not getting enough food. This is stressful to the Bamboo Shrimp and should be avoided.

Special Notes

As with all aquatic invertebrates it is important to make sure copper does not get into the aquarium. Copper is toxic to all Dwarf Shrimp. Many medications contain elevated levels of copper, so it is recommended not to medicate an aquarium with Dwarf Shrimp in it.Most Bamboo Shrimp purchased at fish stores are starving when they are first brought home. They will be seen picking at the gravel for food. This is normal and should subside if there is an adequate source of food.

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