Aquarium Plants

Did you know that freshwater aquarium shrimp appreciate plenty of greenery in their tanks? Live aquarium plants come with a host of benefits, including improving water quality, providing shelter and forming a breeding ground for the nutritious biofilm that our shrimp love to eat. Not to mention how nice a lush and green tank is to look at! Wondering about the best plants for a shrimp tank? Find our care guides for all of our favorite easy aquarium plants that go well with ornamental (dwarf shrimp). Don't worry: you don't need a green thumb to keep these species alive and thriving.

  1. Bacopa Caroliniana: Tips for Growing Lush Thriving Aquarium Plants

    Growing Bacopa Caroliniana successfully in your aquarium is about knowing the right techniques. This concise guide walks you through the necessary steps for plant care, from setting water parameters to providing proper nutrients. Let’s unlock the secrets to lush growth and vibrant color in your aquatic setup. Key Takeaways Exploring Bacopa Caroliniana: A Unique Aquarium […]
  2. Anubias Barteri: Essential Tips for Lush, Healthy Anubias Plants

    Need guidance on nurturing anubias barteri? Get the essentials on picking the healthiest plants, ideal positioning, and simple care steps to keep your anubias thriving. Perfect for all aquarists, this article cuts straight to the chase, delivering the know-how for lush anubias barteri growth. Key Takeaways Discovering Anubias Barteri: The Ideal Midground Plant for Aquariums […]
  3. Java Fern Care: Grow a Thriving Aquarium Plant with Ease

    Java Fern Care: Grow a Thriving Aquarium Plant with Ease
    Struggling with Java Fern care, or simply seeking to add this versatile plant to your tank? You’re in the right place. This article demystifies the straightforward yet essential steps to keeping your Java Fern flourishing, from lighting needs to compatibility with tank mates, without delving too deep or pushing products.
  4. Disinfecting & Quarantining Aquarium Plants

    Just bought some new aquatic plants for your shrimp aquarium and excited to get started planting them? WAIT! Even if you bought from a high-quality supplier, disinfecting and maybe even quarantining aquarium plants is important. They can contain pests, contaminants and other stuff you'd probably rather not expose your fragile dwarf shrimp to. Keep reading […]
  5. How to grow Bucephalandra

    Looking for an easy but decorative plant for your shrimp tank? Bucephalandra, also known simply as Buce, might be the right one for you. But be careful... many an aquarist has become addicted to collecting the endless Bucephalandra varieties! Looking to get into growing your own Bucephalandra? This care guide contains everything you need to […]
  6. Ceratopteris thalictroides | How to grow water sprite

    Water sprite, also known as Indian water fern and scientifically as Ceratopteris thalictroides, is a popular aquarium plant. It's appreciated by aquarists for its lace-like, decorative appearance and relatively easy care. It can reach quite the size (up to 23"), which makes it a great centerpiece plant for larger aquariums, and grows very quickly when […]
  7. Corkscrew Vallisneria | Vallisneria asiatica care & growing

    If you're looking to get into planted aquariums, one of the first plants you usually come across is Vallisneria. This sea grass-like plant is great for beginners and looks very decorative but the most popular Vals come with a bit of a challenge: they grow pretty massive. Luckily, there are also smaller varieties, and the […]
  8. Hygrophila difformis | Growing water wisteria

    Hygrophila difformis, also known as water wisteria, is a popular aquarium stem plant. It's a great, fast-growing addition to any shrimp tank. Its easy care makes it suitable for beginners, while its feathery, deep green leaves are sure to brighten up any aquascape! Keep reading for everything you need to know about water wisteria care […]
  9. Growing dwarf hair grass (Eleocharis acicularis)

    Dwarf hair grass (Eleocharis acicularis) is a popular aquarium foreground plant often used in aquascapes to create a grass-like carpet look. It's decorative, not too difficult to grow and shrimp love it. You can keep your dwarf hair grass lawn short by trimming regularly, or let it grow tall to provide your shrimp with a […]
  10. Caring for hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)

    If you're looking to set up a planted shrimp tank, hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) is one of the plants you might consider. This easy plant is perfect for the beginning plant lover and will be appreciated by all types of shrimp. Keep reading for everything you need to know about growing hornwort in your aquarium! Ceratophyllum […]

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