By now, most aquarists will probably have heard of red rili shrimp, which are loved for their fascinating mix of translucent patches and bright red coloration. But did you know there is also an orange rili shrimp? The perfect variety for anyone looking to add an intense pop of color to their tank!

Keep reading for everything you need to know about orange rili shrimp and keeping orange rilis in your own aquarium.

Scientific nameNeocaridina davidi var. "Orange Rili"
Common nameTangerine tiger shrimp
Difficulty levelOrange rili shrimp
Keeping Orange Rili Shrimp in your aquarium: everything you need to know

Orange rili shrimp requirements

Orange rili shrimp are a Neocaridina variety, just like the beginner's classic red cherry shrimp. Their care is similar to that of their cherry cousins, which means they are equally easy to keep and a wonderful choice if you're just getting started.

To keep orange rili shrimp succesfully, all you really need is an aquarium of at least 5 gallons, a filter, a heater (optional) and some decor and hides. Filter-wise, anything that isn't too powerful will work, but if you're not going for a sponge filter be sure to use a filter guard. You don't want shrimp to get sucked in there! A heater can be used if the room temperature isn't stable; even though orange rili shrimp are quite sturdy, they don't respond well to sudden temperature swings.

When it comes to decorations, some basic easy aquarium plants will work, but you can go as crazy as you want to. Shrimp logs, driftwood, rocks, artificial plants - all will be appreciated and used to hide in and forage on.

orange rili shrimp
Photo by Soo Jin Park

Water quality

Orange rili shrimp are quite hardy and can handle a relatively wide range of water values. That being said, they still should never be introduced in an uncycled aquarium. Ammonia and nitrite are toxic to all aquatic life including rili shrimp, so make sure your aquarium is fully cycled before you add any shrimp.

Do regular (weekly) aquarium maintenance to keep your orange rili shrimp happy and healthy. Perform a water change to bring nitrate levels down, and be sure to match the new water to the old before adding it back into the tank. Use a liquid test kit instead of test strips, which might not always be accurate. And always remember that stability is the key to successful shrimp keeping!

pH: 6.2-8.0

Temperature: 65-85 °F

GH: 4-8

KH: 3-15

Total Dissolved Solids: 150-200

orange rili shrimp
Photo by Kristin Rousseau


Like most other Neocaridina varieties, orange rili shrimp are prolific breeders. This means it's usually not too much of a disaster if the population takes a hit here and there, and allows you to consider some tankmates for them. Do keep in mind that most fish unfortunately just have too much of an appetite for shrimp. Only go for the tiniest and most peaceful ones, like microrasbora.

If you want to minimize the risk of any shrimp or fry being snatched by hungry tankmates, avoid fish altogether. Peaceful invertebrates like nerite snails and Caridina shrimp such as the popular crystal red shrimp make better choices. Unlike fish, they are 100% rili shrimp safe.

Orange rili shrimp diet

Like all dwarf shrimp, orange rilis are naturally omnivores that feed on biofilm, algae and any other organic matter they can find. In the aquarium biofilm grows on all surfaces but there usually isn't enough "gunk" in there to keep an entire colony of shrimp well-fed. You'll need to offer some extra food in the form of a high-quality staple as well as all kinds of snacks to add variety.

Ebita breed is one of the many brands that works well as a staple. For variety, think out of the box: algae tabs and frozen foods are fine, but you can also consider more unusual homemade options like dried nettle leaves, blanched veggies or even unflavored/unsalted nori (dried seaweed).

Breeding orange rili shrimp

As with all Neocaridina shrimp, breeding orange rilis is not much of a challenge. This makes them a great option if you've never bred shrimp before: even beginners can pull this off easily enough. Just make sure your rili shrimp colony contains both males and females (females will be larger and more intensely colored). Keep the shrimp healthy, stress-free and well-fed and you should start seeing the females become saddled in no time.

Once the eggs are moved to the swimmerets (back legs) it will be about 30 days before they hatch into tiny baby shrimp. These can stay in the main tank with their parents and are able to fend for themselves from day one. That's it!

Buying orange rili shrimp

Although rili shrimp have been around in the shrimp hobby long enough to become relatively popular, many aquarium stores only carry the red variety. Orange rili shrimp (as well as carbon rili shrimp or blue rili shrimp) might be a little harder to find.

Luckily, many hobbyists do keep and breed these shrimp. Some online stores also carry (homebred) orange rilis. The Shrimp Farm sells orange rili shrimp and ships them right to your doorstep with live arrival guarantee - you can order your shrimp here!

Tip: Love orange shrimp? Have a look at our list of 5 orange aquarium shrimp!

the shrimp farm