The Cherry Shrimp Gets a New Name:

The cherry shrimp (or cherry red shrimp) has been recently described as Neocaridina heteropoda var. red. (Formally Neocaridina denticulata sinensis var. red) This comes as no surprise to those who are active in freshwater aquarium shrimp community. Very little is know scientifically about these shrimp, and as they become more popular in the aquarium hobby more scientist will be looking at them.

So what effect will this have on the hobby? There are many, many shrimp that have not been identified and are often misidentified as the wrong species by importers/exporters. These shrimp are often sold as Rainbow shrimp. For most aquarium hobbyist knowing the correct scientific name is not important, but when shrimp are labeled incorrectly care false care requirements may be passed on to the hobbyist.

So as the hobby grows so will the knowledge base. The correct care requirements will be passed on to the hobbyist and that in turn will help the hobby grow even more.

Freshwater Red Cherry Shrimp

Red Cherry Shrimp