
  1. Understanding Mystery Snail Colors (+ Color Chart!)

    Thinking of adding a few mystery snails (Pomacea diffusa, also sometimes called Pomacea bridgesii) to your aquarium? Good choice! These snails make for surprisingly fun pets. They're active and will help rid your tank of leftover bits of food and other debris. And did you know they come in loads of different colors? Below, we'll […]
  2. Chinese Algae Eater | Care & Info

    If you've been an aquarist for a while, you've probably heard of the Chinese algae eater. This bottom dweller, known for its unusual sucker mouth, is commonly seen in aquarium stores and sold for its algae-eating abilities. Do these fish really eat algae? Will they make a good addition to your community aquarium? Below, find […]
  3. Julii Corydoras | Care & Info

    Looking for a peaceful bottom dweller to add to your tank? Catfishes of the genus Corydoras should be right up your alley. One of our personal favorites is the medium-sized and polka-dotted julii Corydoras, which makes a great addition to community aquariums. Sound good? Below, you can find everything you need to know about this […]
  4. Pet Shrimp: Guide for care, tank setup, feeding, and breeding pet shrimp in your aquarium Pet Shrimp Overview:

    Imagine adding a touch of vibrant color and fascinating behavior to your aquarium with pet shrimp! These captivating creatures can be a delightful addition to any freshwater aquarium, as long as you provide them with the proper care, tank setup, feeding, and breeding practices. In this blog post, you’ll discover everything you need to know […]
  5. Java Moss Care Guide: Essential Tips for a Healthy Aquarium Plant

    Discover the ultimate Java Moss care guide! Learn how to keep your aquarium plant healthy and vibrant with essential tips and techniques. From its growth patterns and ideal tank conditions to planting and propagation methods, we've got you covered. Uncover the benefits of Java Moss in enhancing aquascapes, supporting aquatic life, and improving water quality. Explore maintenance and care practices, potential issues, and solutions to keep your Java Moss thriving. Create a stunning and healthy aquatic paradise with this remarkable plant!
  6. Neocaridina Shrimp: Care, Water Parameters, Color, & More

    Neocaridina Shrimp: Care, Water Parameters, Color, & More
    Neocaridina shrimp are a favorite of many aquarists, due to their ease of care and vibrant colors. They come in numerous varieties that vary from red cherry shrimp, yellow shrimp or blue velvet shrimp.
  7. Kuhli Loach Care Guide: Tank Mates, Tank Setup, Breeding, Diet & More

    Kuhli loaches are a fascinating species of freshwater aquarium fish. They have an interesting eel-like appearance, with a torso composed of small scales and long, slender fins extending down both sides of their body. They are incredibly active during the day, swimming around in search of food and hiding spots. These peaceful, bottom dwelling fish are also considered one of the most ideal species for nano tanks due to their small size and peaceful nature.
  8. 6 Dwarf Crayfish For Your Aquarium

    If you're setting up a new aquarium and looking for something different for a change, we've got just the thing for you. Let us introduce you to the genus Cambarellus, also known as dwarf crayfish. There are 19 different species, none of which regularly grow over 2" in length! In this post, let's have a […]
  9. 5 Aquarium Crayfish For Your Fish Tank

    Thinking of setting up a crayfish aquarium? Good choice! These feisty invertebrates are usually seen as food, but they're actually fun to keep as pets. Aquarium crayfish show a bit more personality than many fish and shrimp species, and you'll be able to see all sorts of interesting behaviors: territorial displays, molting and sometimes even […]
  10. Tiger shrimp aquarium | 5 beautiful tiger shrimp

    Looking for a colorful dwarf shrimp to add to your freshwater aquarium? We've got just the thing for you: tiger shrimp. This common name for striped variations of Caridina mariae and C. serrata encompasses a whole bunch of stunning shrimp, so let's have a look at them to help you find the perfect start to […]

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