Breeding Freshwater Shrimp

Did you know that most ornamental shrimp are easy to breed in the home aquarium? If you're looking for a fun aquatic breeding project, breeding freshwater shrimp might just be the perfect new challenge to take on. Find breeding guides for everything from the super-easy <a href="">cherry shrimp</a> to the expert-level <a href="">Amano shrimp</a>! Here at The Shrimp Farm, we've got years of experience breeding all sorts of freshwater (dwarf) shrimp. We're excited to share that knowledge with our guides to breeding Caridina and Neocaridina shrimp. No worries if you're new to the hobby: with the right knowledge, anyone can get their colonies to thrive.

  1. American Glass Shrimp Breeding Program (Update #3)

    The young shrimp have started to grow a little more rapidly now and have started to display a more aggressive feeding response.  They will gather around a food pellet and begin to eat with in a few short minutes of the pellet being added to the aquarium. 
  2. American Glass Shrimp breeding program (update #2)

    On October 22 the larva morphed into their adult form.  That was a little under a week of larval stage.  Now that they have morphed they are now kept in a 2.5-gallon aquarium to establish a breeding population.
  3. American Glass Shrimp breeding program (update #1)

    The first larva have been found in the American Glass Shrimp aquarium.  I was able to separate a few from the main tank into their own dedicated rearing container.  They will be kept in a small container and fed powdered Spirulina and decapsulated brine shrimp eggs until they morph into an adult form.
  4. American Glass Shrimp breeding program

    The American Glass Shrimp is the most common dwarf shrimp in the aquarium hobby.  It is most often sold at local fish stores as a feeder shrimp and because of its feeder status it is often mistreated.  The poor shipping methods used when dealing with feeder shrimp and over crowded holding aquariums often lead this […]
  5. To Hybridize or not to Hybridize, That is the Question! (part 3)

    Over the past few days I have been discussing Hybridization of Dwarf Shrimp and attempting to show my arguments against it. Today I am going to attempt to refute arguments for it. Here are a few of the arguments for hybridization that I have come across.
  6. To Hybridize or Not to Hybridize, That is the Question! (Part 2)

    Yesterday I discussed what hybridization with Dwarf Shrimp was and today I will go into why I think it is a bad idea. Here is a list of reasons I believe so.
  7. To Hybridize or Not to Hybridize, That is the Question!

    Over the years there has been a lot of talk and debate about weather or not hybridizing different species of Dwarf Shrimp is a good idea or not. In all public forums that I have contributed to the debate I have always made it clear where I stand. But before we get into that, lets […]
  8. Breeding Amano Shrimp – Journal – The restart!

    Last night I performed a fairly large water change in my Amano Shrimp aquarium and noticed some frantic breeding behavior by the males. This morning I found this: This is the largest female I have and she is carrying a large amount of eggs. The more larva she hatches the better chance I have of […]
  9. Breeding Amano Shrimp – Journal (time to restart)

    Well, as I have mentioned in previous posts I was out of town for quite some time. While I was out of town my Amano Shrimp that was at one time berried is no longer berried! I found no evidence of her dropping the eggs so I am going to assume that they hatched. I […]
  10. Breeding Amano Shrimp Journal – Day 1

    Day 1 - 8/22/08   Today I observed a berried Amano Shrimp.  The berried female is about average size for the females in my aquarium.  Her eggs are extremely small, almost see threw with a slight tan tint.   After first observation I started to prepare an isolation aquarium for her.  I selected an old […]

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