Care Guides

Did you know there are dozens of species and selectively bred varieties of ornamental freshwater shrimp that can be kept in the aquarium? In our shrimp care guides, we describe all the guidelines you need to keep each one. At The Shrimp Farm, we have years of experience keeping and breeding (dwarf) shrimp, and we're excited to share our knowledge with you. Whether you're looking for information on the immensely popular <a href="">cherry shrimp</a> or the obscure <a href="">ninja shrimp</a>, we've got you covered. Oh, and we've also got loads of shrimp tankmate care guides, ranging from <a href="">aquarium snails</a> to <a href="">freshwater crayfish</a>.

  1. Cardinal Tetra Care & Info | Paracheirodon axelrodi

    Cardinal Tetra Care & Info | Paracheirodon axelrodi
    If you're looking for a colorful schooling fish for your aquarium, why not go for one of the classics? Paracheirodon axelrodi, better known as the cardinal tetra, is one of the most commonly kept freshwater fish. And there's a reason for that: this species isn't just colorful, but also peaceful and easy enough to care […]
  2. Florida Crayfish | Procambarus alleni care & info

    Interested in keeping a crayfish in your freshwater aquarium? One of the most popular options is the blue form of the Florida crayfish, also known as the electric blue crayfish. Beautifully colored and quite feisty, these invertebrates are easy to keep but do have some care requirements! Keep reading for everything you need to know […]
  3. Ghost Crayfish | Procambarus clarkii 'Ghost' care

    Ghost Crayfish | Procambarus clarkii 'Ghost' care
    Looking for something a little different for your next aquarium set-up? You may have come across the ghost crayfish, a spectacularly colored variety of the common red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii). They're very nice to look at, but what do they need to thrive? Let's go into everything you need to know about setting up […]
  4. Marmorkrebs | Self cloning crayfish care & info

    If you're not familiar with these crayfish, you might be thinking two things right now. First, what the heck is a "marmorkrebs"? And second, did you just say "self cloning?" Yep, we're talking self cloning crayfish! Marmorkrebs is German for "marbled crayfish", which is exactly what these crays are. And yes, they do not need a […]
  5. Sunkist shrimp | Caridina thambipillai care & info

    Looking for an orange dwarf shrimp to add to your aquarium but don't want to go for your typical Neocaridina? Good news: you've got options! Today's subject is Caridina thambipillai, an unusual species also known as the sunkist shrimp. Keep reading for everything you need to know about the sunkist shrimp and how to care […]
  6. Opae ula shrimp | Halocaridina rubra care & info

    If you're looking for a new aquarium project and would like to go for something a little more unusual, we've got just the thing for you! Meet the ʻōpaeʻula (opae ula) shrimp, scientifically known as Halocaridina rubra. Although this one may look a little like your regular old red cherry shrimp, it's actually a unique, […]
  7. Blue pearl shrimp | Neocaridina zhangjiajiensis "Blue Pearl" care & info

    Looking for a beautiful blue shrimp to add to your aquarium, but don't want to go for a fussy species? You could opt for one of the many blue Neocaridina davidi dwarf shrimp varieties, but we'll admit that those are a very standard choice. So today, let's keep things intereting by highlighting a different blue […]
  8. Galaxy shrimp | Care, info, diet & more

    Galaxy shrimp | Care, info, diet & more
    Looking for a new dwarf shrimp to add to your aquarium and don't want to go for just any boring old species? Have we got one for you today! Meet the galaxy shrimp, a hybrid that has only been around for a few years. They're not cheap, but their looks make them more than worth […]
  9. Giant ramshorn snail | Marisa cornuarietis care & info

    Looking for a snail species that can cohabit with your (dwarf) shrimp? Let us introduce you to Marisa cornuarieties, a large Central and South American native better known as the giant ramshorn snail. Although this species doesn't play nice with other snails, nor with aquarium plants, it should leave your shrimp alone. Keep reading for […]
  10. Chopstick snail | (Stenomelania torulosa) care & info

    If you're looking for an unusual and decorative freshwater aquarium snail to add to your shrimp aquarium, why not consider Stenomelania torulosa? Better known as the chopstick snail, this relatively large but peaceful species will leave your shrimp alone. It contributes to aquarium health by burrowing and eating detritus. Keep reading for everything you need […]

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