Water Parameters

It's something that folks unfamiliar with the aquarium hobby probably wouldn't even consider: the importance of proper water parameters in keeping your shrimp and other livestock happy and healthy. There's the <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/aquarium-fishless-cycle/">nitrogen cycle</a>, which is crucial in making a fish tank a safe place for living creatures and the place to start when setting up any type of aquarium. Then there are <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/understanding-temperature-shrimp-tank/">temperature</a>, and <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/understanding-potential-hydrogen/">acidity</a>, and even the wonders of <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/ro-water-what-is-it/">Reverse Osmosis</a> water, which allows you to "tailor" water specifically to a shrimp species' needs. Take some time to read up on all these factors to make your shrimp tank a success. Don't worry, it's not boring! As with us here at The Shrimp Farm, it'll never cease to amaze you how a simple understanding of water chemistry can allow you to maintain a tiny, thriving underwater ecosystem in your own home.

  1. R/O water. What is it?

    In the Dwarf Shrimp world there is a lot of talk about R/O water, but what exactly is it? Reverse Osmosis (R/O) The movement of freshwater through a semipermeable membrane when pressure is applied to a solution on one side of it. What this basically means is that a Reverse Osmosis filter removes anything that […]
  2. Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water (update #3)

    I have found another berried female in my soft water aquarium! That makes a total of 3 females that are now berried! This female is the smallest of the 3, but it looks like she is carrying close to the same amount of eggs as the other females. There are still no berried females in […]
  3. Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water (Update #2)

    First Results I set up this experiment on June 20th and I have my first results. My first female Tiger Shrimp have become berried! There are two berried females in the soft water aquarium. The aquarium parameters are as follows: Temp:  74.8 pH:       6.4 TDS:     112 ppm These shrimp appear to be growing just a […]
  4. Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water (Update #3)

    Just a very quick update! About 2 days ago I started to set up the aquariums for this experiment. I will be waiting for these aquariums to fully cycle and then put some Neocaridina heteropoda in these aquariums for about a month or two to make sure the aquariums are ready to house shrimp! More […]
  5. Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water (Update #2)

    I have decided some of the parameters I am going to use for this experiment. For the Soft Water aquarium I am going to keep the aquarium as close 60ppm TDS as I can and I am going to keep the Hard Water aquarium at around 300ppm. My tap water comes out of the faucet […]
  6. Iodine: Is supplementation needed for Dwarf Shrimp?

    Iodine is an important part of a Dwarf Shrimps life cycle. It is needed to promote healthy molting and to encourage immune responses to injuries. It is obvious that any Dwarf Shrimp keeper would want their shrimp to have adequate amounts of iodine, but is supplementation needed? A staple in the diets of most Dwarf […]
  7. Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water (update #1)

    This is the first update of my Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water experiment. This experiment is intended to see what a difference keeping soft water shrimp in hard water for long term will make on their growth and breeding. Here is the plan for this experiment. I will continue the experiment for 3 generations […]
  8. Soft Water Shrimp in Hard Water

    There has been a lot of debate lately among Dwarf Shrimp hobbyist about weather or not some of the “soft water” shrimp can be kept in hard water.  Well, I have plenty of experience with hard water as I live in the Orlando area of Florida and my water is basically liquid rock.  It has […]

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