Water Parameters
It's something that folks unfamiliar with the aquarium hobby probably wouldn't even consider: the importance of proper water parameters in keeping your shrimp and other livestock happy and healthy. There's the <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/aquarium-fishless-cycle/">nitrogen cycle</a>, which is crucial in making a fish tank a safe place for living creatures and the place to start when setting up any type of aquarium. Then there are <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/understanding-temperature-shrimp-tank/">temperature</a>, and <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/understanding-potential-hydrogen/">acidity</a>, and even the wonders of <a href="https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/ro-water-what-is-it/">Reverse Osmosis</a> water, which allows you to "tailor" water specifically to a shrimp species' needs. Take some time to read up on all these factors to make your shrimp tank a success. Don't worry, it's not boring! As with us here at The Shrimp Farm, it'll never cease to amaze you how a simple understanding of water chemistry can allow you to maintain a tiny, thriving underwater ecosystem in your own home.
Indian Almond Leaves | Uses in the aquarium
If you’ve been keeping shrimp for a while, you’ve probably heard of Indian Almond Leaves. Many shrimp keepers swear by them, after all! But what are they? Should you be using these leaves in your shrimp tank? Let’s find out! What are Indian Almond Leaves? The Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the […]
Understanding Temperature: In A Shrimp Tank
Understanding Temperature: In A Shrimp Tank Understanding Temperature and how it affects your dwarf shrimp tank is often overlooked. What is the ideal temperature for a dwarf shrimp tank? That is
Shrimp Tank Water Changes
Shrimp Tank Water Changes To fully understand how to do a water change on a shrimp tank you must first understand a shrimp’s anatomy. Shrimp have a layering formation
Understanding Potential Hydrogen (pH)
Understanding Potential Hydrogen (pH) pH in the aquarium hobby is a key and vital factor on all things from fish and plants to shrimp. Each species has its
Understanding General Hardness (GH)
Understanding General Hardness (GH) GH stands for General Hardness. General Hardness is a measure of dissolved minerals your water contains. Most of the minerals in your water will be
Understanding Carbonate Hardness (KH)
Understanding Carbonate Hardness (KH) In your aquarium you have what is called Carbonate Hardness otherwise referred to as KH.
Understanding Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Understanding Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Total Dissolved Solids or Total Dissolved Salts as it is sometimes referred to is also known more commonly throughout the aquarium hobby as TDS for short. TDS is a
Understanding Ammonia
Understanding Ammonia in the Aquarium When first getting into aquariums often the first thing you learn about or hear about is ammonia in the aquarium. Understanding Ammonia
Red Cherry Shrimp in Acidic Water
For the last few months I have had some Red Cherry Shrimp in an aquarium that was intended for Crystal Red Shrimp. I set it up with Aqua Soil Amazonia and quite a few plants and mosses. I keep the pH right around 6.0 and have some interesting observations for the Red Cherries! Observations: – […]